Quelque part à l'abri des regards. (Somewhere out of sight)

De lointains souvenirs nous rapprochent. (Distant memories bring us closer)

Soudain, nous nous sommes sentis tout petit. (Suddenly, we felt so small)

Il ne reste que les signes d'une fête interrompue. (Only the signs of an interrupted party remain)

Même les avions ont les ailes bien fragiles. (Even airplanes have fragile wings)

L'obsession d'un trésor caché ne me quitte plus. (The obsession of an hidden treasure don't leave me anymore)

La fête du 14 juillet semble bien virtuelle. (Bastille Day seems truly virtual)

Rien ne peut troubler nos retrouvailles. (Nothing can disturb our reunion)

Une présence invisible ternit notre lumière. (An invisible presence dims our light)

Nous savourons la douceur du temps qui fuit sans nous. (We relish the sweetness of time that flies without us)

Qu'elle est belle la nuit quand tous les espoirs sont permis. (How beautiful is the night when there's hope)

Imaginons une faille pour traverser la montagne. (Imagine a crack to cross the mountain)

Brusquement, un flash de lumière inonde la nuit. (Swiftly, a flash of light floods the night)
This is an impossible story. It may be a dream. It may be a love story. It may be any other story you feel about when you look at the images and read their captions. It’s meant to be evocative and left to the viewer’s imagination.
This work started during the pandemic as a side project and then became more and more important to me. It includes images taken during and prior to the pandemic.
To create this project, I didn’t mind about the cameras. I used what was in my hands at the moment: DSLR, point and shoot, iPhone, and even video capture.
These photographs are transferred to watercolor paper. In combination with my palette color, the blurriness, and the shallow depth of field of some of my images, this alternative technique gives a dreamlike feel to my work.