Interview - Soho Photo Gallery - November 2017

To learn more about my project “Immigrant Song,” watch this interview conducted by Bill Travis, art historian and photographer. In this video, made in November 2017 during my last show at Soho Photo Gallery, I talk about the origin of this new project, the pairing of portraits and still life, the processes I used to give a voice to immigrants living in New York City and their meanings for me, and the goals I would like to achieve.

This first video is on the Youtube channel I just launched. To get updates along the way, please subscribe.

If you are an immigrant living in New York, you too, share your experience! Where do you come from? How does it feel to be an immigrant? What did bring you from your country? To participate in “Immigrant Song”, reach out to me any way you like: email, Instagram, Facebook, etc.



Immigrant Song - Video presentation


Immigrant Song - October 2017