Art & Activism - Photoville 2021

I’m honored to be invited by the Division of Continuing Education at the School of Visual Arts (SVACE) to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Art & Activism. 

Thanks to Keren Moscovitch for selecting my work. I'm delighted to share one of the quadriptychs of my series #immigrantsongnyc in the company of my friends Claudia Paul and Leslie Tucker, and so many talented artists and instructors.

“These Years” features 43 photographers from SVA’s community sharing their work on the changing times. Through an open call, SVACE invited students, faculty, staff, and friends to respond to the recent years of events, starting with the presidential election of 2016 and moving through protests, pandemic, celebrations of identity, the grief of the climate catastrophe, and the process of healing from the collective wounds suffered by our global society.

Please have a look at the catalog and the Youtube video with Karen Moscovitch’s remarks on my work: “…and we’ll be looking at immigrants, people who have constantly been displaced and who are always searching for a sense of rootedness and belonging, and the amount of courage that it takes to make those transitions.”

Opening: September 18, 2021
Exhibition: September 18 - December 1, 2021
Photoville 2021- Brooklyn Bridge Park - Pier 3


New York City Artist Corps Grant


One-minute video